
Our students create some wonderful pieces of art both in and out of class. Sharing work within this blog will allow family and friends both near and far to appreciate the hard work that takes place in art class. This is also a great spot for students to check in to make sure they know what the next sketchbook assignment is and to share ideas on their current assignments.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Take a seat, create a seat... sketchbook assignment for Monday, May 6

My cousin Alexa knows what she likes which is quite impressive for a young girl going to "big school" (primary) in September. In addition to being a really great kid, Alexa has a wonderful sense of style; on a recent shopping trip her dad took this great photo sharing, "Three of Alexa's favourite things all in one print and relaxing."

The perfect seat for a girl who loves shoes...
She didn't get to take this chair home but you can see by her smile how fun it was to sit in a shoe-chair.

This week you will design, create, and share a drawing of your dream chair... it can be any size, shape, design you like. I have seen chairs in the shape of a baseball glove, bean bag chairs that look like jelly beans... will you use it inside/outside/hang it from your ceiling/a tree -so many possibilities... a comfortable one of a kind chair... 

Colour, pattern, clean and neat lines, are required as you design and show your idea of the perfect chair...
I'll seat you next week!

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