
Our students create some wonderful pieces of art both in and out of class. Sharing work within this blog will allow family and friends both near and far to appreciate the hard work that takes place in art class. This is also a great spot for students to check in to make sure they know what the next sketchbook assignment is and to share ideas on their current assignments.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Sketchbook Assignment due April 15th - this is a two week's worth assignment (April 7&15)

A picture is worth a thousand words...try flipping that to...A word can have a thousand pictures...
When first thinking of the word BOOK, a picture of a novel or a textbook comes to mind. There are many other meanings of the word, especially when using it as a different part of speech.
A Book - a printed work of written material that is bound and within covers
The Book - Bible
To Book - to reserve a spot - for example: to book a cruise or to book a table at a restaurant
To Book - to engage someone to do something - for example: They booked a musician to play at the wedding
To Book - to register an official charge against - for example - They took the suspect to booking
A Booker - one who looks after betting - for example - the bookmaker took bets for the upcoming horse race
Then there are the many idioms using book:
  • The thieves cooked their books to make them look legitimate to the auditor.
  • He booked it home so he wouldn't be late for curfew.
  • She is in her mother's bad books for not doing her chores
  • The hotel is booked solid for the next three years
You will pick a word and draw a minimum of SIX different meanings. You may set up your page as you like in order to present the meanings.

A _________  _______________

The word will go on the BACK of the sketchbook page.
You may use a word of your choosing: here are a few to pick from if you are stuck
SHARP      SLICE           ROCK
You must use colour and your pictures should be fully developed (no contour line pencil sketches please).
Book off some time to show your very best work: THIS SKETCHBOOK ASSIGNMENT COUNTS AS TWO SKETCHBOOK ASSIGNMENTS...

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