
Our students create some wonderful pieces of art both in and out of class. Sharing work within this blog will allow family and friends both near and far to appreciate the hard work that takes place in art class. This is also a great spot for students to check in to make sure they know what the next sketchbook assignment is and to share ideas on their current assignments.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Sketchbook scoop and stir a portrait

M.C. Escher - Hand with Reflection in Sphere

The picture depicts a hand holding a crystal globe with a nondescript background. The reflection in the mirror depicts an older man sitting in a library staring into the globe.
This week's assignment is inspired by this piece of art. The curved shape of the globe takes and distorts the image reflected toward the viewer.

You will find a spoon (not a plastic spoon) and draw two portrait pictures based on what you see when you look in the spoon. Looking into the spoon when it is facing you, your picture will stretch one way - facing away it will distort in another way. Very carefully draw what you see when you look at yourself in the spoon. You may use colour pencil or a drawing pencil; pay close attention to the shading required. Outline (contour) drawing is not acceptable.

This is due Tuesday, November 13th.

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