
Our students create some wonderful pieces of art both in and out of class. Sharing work within this blog will allow family and friends both near and far to appreciate the hard work that takes place in art class. This is also a great spot for students to check in to make sure they know what the next sketchbook assignment is and to share ideas on their current assignments.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Through the looking glass... Due Monday, February 4th

Or should I say, magnifying glass...

You will draw any object as though looking at it through a magnifying glass. Be sure to include the magnifying glass in your drawing....

Colour with coloured pencil/pastel/paint or shade with pencil

This assignment, done well, should take between 45 minutes to 1 hour to complete.

If possible, find a magnifying glass to use.... if you don't have access to one then use your imagination to decide how much larger the magnified object would be.