
Our students create some wonderful pieces of art both in and out of class. Sharing work within this blog will allow family and friends both near and far to appreciate the hard work that takes place in art class. This is also a great spot for students to check in to make sure they know what the next sketchbook assignment is and to share ideas on their current assignments.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Your Life As A Movie

Here is a site that shows some of the most popular movie poster designs:

Iconic Movie Posters

These are some of the most common elements to keep in mind when designing a poster.

Movie Poster Design Elements

You are going to be designing a poster for a new movie all about YOU!

What will be the focus of your movie?

Who will star in/direct/produce it?

What is the title?

This is a MAJOR Project for Quarter One.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

A Study...Sketchbook Assignments for Quarter Two

Photographers, painters, sculptors create pieces that focus on one theme or subject. Through close observation and exploration of the subject, sometimes called "A Study", a series of pieces are created in which the artist shares their personal perspective.

 This quarter you will explore an area of personal interest. You will create SIX different sketchbook drawings within the subject matter.

To help you choose an area for your study; is there something that you:

       are passionate about            
                                             want to understand more completely     
know is very important to you                                    
                                                       dream about doing
     choose to ignore                                 
                                          are curious about
find humorous
                         find fascinating

Example: Perhaps you love socks. They are warm and comfortable and everyone seems to give them to you for gifts. You could then choose to do a study of socks. Simple! I'll draw six different pair of socks and then I'm done!

NO...not quite...

How can you show socks from different viewpoints? Perhaps the idea of socks being comfortable, comes not just from the fabric surrounding your feet, but from a memory of being snuggled on the sofa reading a book. Now you have something to draw!

original source unknown sent by email

A Study in Comfort

Have fun and I will talk about it more in class.

Choose carefully! The major assignment for this quarter will come from the area you choose to explore.

Monday, September 16, 2013

George Rodrigue featured on CBS Sunday Morning News

Blue Dog - Artist George Rodrigue

Blue Dog at the Ocean


Enough Sketchbook Assignments to Last a Year (well at least this quarter)

This is the official blog and site for all things ART at HCA. You may find information in previous posts that can help you this year. I will try to update it on a regular basis and will also try to provide videos and or pictures to help you.

You are responsible for purchasing a sketchbook that will be used for this year's class. Sketchbooks should be somewhere around 8.5x11 (ish). It may not have lined pages.

Sketchbooks are very personal. They are a record of your creative genius! You do not have to spend a lot of money on a good sketchbook; one of our local $ stores has two great styles to choose from...

You are responsible for completing SIX sketchbook assignments for QUARTER ONE. The quarter finishes on November 4th, so as long as you plan out your time, you will be able to not only complete them, but complete them well!

Sketchbooks will be formally assessed twice during the quarter. This should allow students to work at their own pace while making sure that they are completed on time.

I will check the first three assignments. You will fill in a self-assessment rubrifc of your work and I will use the same rubric to complete the teacher assessment.

For this first check, I will allow you to re-do ONE assignment should it be of very low quality (you rushed, left til the last minute, are unhappy with the results)

These assignments are worth approximately 12 points each so please put in your best effort. Keep in mind the following as you do the assignments:

Think about your drawing as you plan it…Try to vary the way you use the elements of art:
line,    shape,    form,    space,    value,    color,     texture

  • Use the entire page…do not draw little in the middle.  Think about the point of view (bird's eye, ground looking up, to the side) and try not to allow yourself to stay within the normal, "landscape" view.  Pretend you are a photographer trying to set up an interesting shot; it is a good way to have a stronger composition.

  • Draw what you SEE, not what you THINK something is supposed to look like. In real life, trees do not look like stalks of broccoli or bunches of cauliflower and houses are much more interesting than a square with a triangle on top. So...don't draw them like that...

  • You may use colour or pencil. Shading plays a part in both of these tools. This is very important as it helps add depth to your work.

Here is the list of sketchbook assignments to choose from. You may do one extra assignment for extra credit.. This is not mandatory and it is not worth rushing other assignments in order to complete an extra one. Your mark will end up being the same if not lower...


1.  Create a drawing or painting of your neighborhood; capture the essence of the place and the people you see and what makes your neighborhood unique. This may be presented in any way you would like; you do not have to limit yourself to a panoramic/landscape scene.
2. Create a storyboard for an animation with a minimum of ten frames. This could be for an animated tv show or for a video game.  You may not copy published work, however, you may use shows and games that exist.

3.Create a work that captures an unusual interior – for example, look in a cabinet or refrigerator or car.  Include as many details as you can. Be sure to attempt to show depth in your piece.
4. Create a new design for your favourite CD. I don't buy CDs, you download from ITunes (or equivalent)...Artwork is still a key component!  You can refer to photos when designing this but don’t copy someone else’s work.  Think of something that shows how the music affects you.  
5. Draw part of any object (Mystery Draw).  Can you trick me?  If you draw it well and you do trick me then I will give you bonus points.  The object has to be a real one…One that I would know. It must be a specific item rather than a general one. Example: If you drew the curve of a circle and then said it was a wheel or a CD or part of the letter "O" you are being much too general. 
6. Snack food with a wrapper.  Spill a bag of chips, take a bite of a candy bar, or peel a banana. Create a drawing that fills the page that is inspired by your snack food. Use your imagination when deciding how to represent your item.
7. Use a pair of scissors as a beginning point, creatively transform the scissors into something else- a monster, a robot, a machine, a vehicle, an animal. Change its scale & it purpose.
8. Draw a crushed soda can, include details like the logo. Render with full shading.
9. Create a new object by combining 2 unrelated objects-one needs to be from nature, the other needs to be mechanical. Use colour and shading; coloured pencil is recommended.
10. Your choice! Draw anything you like...colour and or pencil shading is still expected.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

10 Months 10 @joSnapshot Moments = A Year in Review Sketchbook Due Mon. May 27th

" A photograph is like the recipe - a memory the finished dish" Carrie Latet
September         October          November
December          January           February        
March                April               May

That's our school year and this is your last sketchbook assignment...
Think of something memorable that happened each month and either draw a "snapshot" moment or you may take a photo... Pull all 10 months together on your sketchbook and you have it...your own visual "year in review"!

@jorge cham

Monday, May 6, 2013

One + One = One Sketchbook Due May 13

Pick One of the animals listed below:

Turtle              Octopus          Snake               Bird          
       Bee                  Hamster               Fish

Pick One of the tools listed below:

Pencil              Saw                 Hammer       
   Pliers               Scissors           Tire                 Clock

Take the animal and the tool and combine them to create a whole new "____________" (answers will 

Have fun...
use detail in your drawing (no contour drawings)...